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eBook Download -> Applied SAP® BI 7.0 Web Reports - Using BEx Web Analyzer and Web Application Designer

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

This book offers a combination of system functionality, configuration, and actual real-life examples of the use of SAP Web Reports in the corporate environment. It also incorporates an explanation of the newer components for reporting in BI—SAP BusinessObjects.

This book offers both the basic setup of the components for BEx Web Analyzer and real-life examples of the uses and setup of the Web-based reporting component. We will investigate the configuration starting from a basic Web report and working up to some very complex dashboard functionality. With this book, you can easily work your way through the setup and configuration of Web-based reports in BW. You can use the information in this book to review basic settings and the functionality delivered by them, review completed reports and
dashboards on the Web to understand the mechanics of configuration, as well as learn some tips and tricks to get started faster and more easily. One of the more frequently requested activities is to set up a prototype quickly and demo it for the initial analysis of the reporting components. With the information in this book, you can get through that process much faster so that you can focus on the actual project.

You can also use this book to review and work through the migration process from 3.x
versions to BI 7.0. It gives you a step-by-step migration process for both Web-based reports
and BEx-based reports.

In conjunction with the idea of migration or upgrades, this book offers a positional analysis of the SAP BusinessObjects reporting component. You can use this to review the functionality and enhancements offered by the SAP BusinessObjects reporting components during the selection phase of your process.

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